Lament of the Confused Genealogist
(acronyms to be pronounced as words not letters)
MOOCs and MOKs
KABs and DOCs
See Ohs and Illiquid Trials
TABs and NABs
MOGs and VABs there are
Files for miles and miles
Where to begin?
My head’s in a spin
My ancestors are lost in these tomes
I’ll start with a MOOC
It’s the best place to look
To rattle up some of their bones
(attributed to Pete Blogg the famous Irish / South African Genealogist and expert on ancient Whisky drinking practices. No one has been able to verify that this is indeed his work as he has disappeared. Last seen clutching a Volume of Death Notices, and shouting “Prepare to meet thy Tome.” (Very strange indeed!)

This is a picture of a MOOC taken by
a hidden camera. MOOCs are generally
shy and should be approached with
caution as they are likely to go to pieces.
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